As we ease our way into what is now being referred to as “the new normal” it is natural for travel addicts like us to think ahead & wonder what the new normal will look like in the landscape of travel & tourism.
Now before I dive into this, I want to be very clear that although I work in the travel industry, I am certainly not the be all end all when it comes to facts on this matter. Each day I receive countless e-mail updates from airlines, hotels, resorts & tour operators regarding what is coming up in the future, but almost all of these e-mails when read back to back offer conflicting information (even from those operating within the same country).
That said, after reading each & every report, and as some airlines & hotels begin to announce their slow re-openings, I would like to take some time to share with you my opinions based on the information that I have received over the past eight weeks.
Obviously there are protocols like online check-in & self-serve baggage drop that already exist so I will not be talking about those, but rather the top five changes that I foresee truly changing the feel of how we travel now.
First & foremost, let’s address where you will be traveling to. While it may be tempting to jump on the first International flight to anywhere, there are many considerations that will need to be made before you book your flight.
World Nomads is one of the most trusted travel insurance companies for adventure travelers, yet as of April 5, 2020 they (along with most others) are no longer offering insurance policies due to government restrictions. Travel insurance, especially in unstable times, is an absolute must for international travel.
Even as International flights become more readily available with different airlines, the countries that they are flying to may still require mandatory 14 day quarantines on arrival … and what fun is flying South only to sit in a hotel room for 14 days?
14 day quarantines will also be required on your return home (at least for the foreseeable future) which means that in addition to your vacation you will be required to take another 14 days off to quarantine on your return.
Many travelers acknowledge that International travel to any destination will become particularly difficult until a vaccine is available. For that reason they are choosing staycations, or domestic destinations that involve less risk & that allow them to stay closer to home with access to sufficient health care.
When it comes time to fly, whether it be domestic or international, the biggest question becomes “WHO can fly?” more-so than “WHERE can we fly?”
Countries like South Korea, for example, have deployed a Coronavirus tracking app (similar to something that we have seen rolled out recently in Alberta, Canada) allowing for real-time alerts & digital contact tracing. A system like this allows citizens to be notified & isolated when they have come into contact with a confirmed Covid-19 patient, and the app displays as green when you are safe to go about your daily life.
These apps (found mostly in East Asia) are just one thing that the countries who have been effective in flattening the curve have in common & it is not unimaginable that similar technology will be used in North America to determine whether or not it is safe for citizens to fly.
Additionally, we have already seen limitations in places like California where only passengers (and those accompanying a minor) may enter the airport. That means that gone are the days of meeting your loved one for a hug at the arrivals gate.
In addition to Plexiglas barriers to separate travelers from gate agents (similar to what we have already seen in our local grocery & department stores) we will likely also see the introduction of technology like facial recognition in place of ID scanners & additional health measures like pre-boarding temperature screenings.
In some countries (like Iceland for example) you may even be required to provide documented proof that you are safe to fly from your physician as recently as 24 hours in advance.
In addition to the standard temperature screenings that you are bound to encounter multiple times throughout your journey, we are also already seeing mandatory blood test screenings being used in major hubs like Hong Kong.
These blood tests, while widely criticized after their initial roll-out in the United States, are designed not only to detect whether a travelers currently has Covid-19, but also to signal whether or not they have built an immunity to the virus.
Lastly, it is becoming more evident as time goes on that personal space is going to become a very valuable commodity & that accommodations like hostels & other shared spaces are likely to see a more difficult recovery.
Certainly Airbnb accommodations will see a rise in popularity, but even more-so will be highly equipped resorts with private villa accommodations & RV or Van Life style trips that allow travelers to maintain control of their private space.
Whether you are traveling domestically or overseas, RV travel will allow adventure travelers to cover more ground & enjoy the great outdoors without having to share their space with others.
Certainly where you are in the world (and where you plan on going) will determine the changes that affect the way you travel, but one thing is for sure - the way we travel will change.
Stay Healthy. Travel Safe. Come Back Soon.